Sunday 22 September 2013

Aran Valley

I go to Aaran Valley, in the pirineo catalan. In the aran valley ther is a lenguage. I stalled in the eth solan hotel.

 The first day, igo to one lake with my fathers. The lake is beautyfly. By the lake, there is a forest and tall mountains. also went go to Carnac Forest, one beech forest. there we became friends, one catalan family. In the Aran Valley has been flooding, and the rivers are destructed.

Sunday 15 September 2013

Summer book


This summer, i read the book "One Way Ticket". This book have 3 short stories, The Girl With Green eyes, South For The Winter, and Mr.harris at the Nigth Train. Author: jennifer bassett. This book have 61 pages. Is a narrative and mistery book. I talk to the first sory, The Girl with Green Eyes.

 In the train is 7 persons, one young man with his wife, one man with brown hat, one tall and dark man. The young man, bill, is talk with the man in brown hat. They like talk. Julie, her wife, is boring. She dream travel to europe. She is interesting for tall man, and she asked for him. At plymouth station, the tall and dark man left the train, and she decides go with her. Bill asks where his wife, and little girls will say it has gone with the tall man.