Tuesday 6 January 2015

Twelft-night and day

In the nigth, i don´t make nothing, but in the day i go to paint to the dike of paterna. I stay hear from 11 to 2:30. After, i go to eat to house of my aunt. We eat rice of termomix with sellfish and "patatas bravas". Next, we eat the "roscon de reyes", but don't all because is many big. After nap, we go to house because i had work to do. My mother buy me headphones, because mine previous headphones crash.


I go in christmas to house of my aunt. There is my cousins, my aunt, my fathers and me. We eat many plates of food of my aunt. This day also is the birthday of mu cousin jara, and my mother makes one blueberry pie. My family gave me 100 euros, one comic and one cd. We stay a while, and after go to house because we are more tired.

New year

New year´s eve. In new year´s eve i stay in my village. I pass new year with my friends in house of alvaro. We buy pizzas and drink and we dinned there. We see the tv and play ps3, and after go to the street to walk around. In the time of chimes we go to the square of village. there distributed
tarengines, and i eat this because i don´t have grapes. After, we go to walk around. My friends ruben, dani and i go to house of the cousins of ruben, and after go aug. Finally we go to the park and, by cold, in middle hour we go to house.